Joseph Laurentino, PGA
Author of "The Negotiable Golf Swing"

There is more than one way to effectively swing the golf club.

It's Negotiable...(your swing)
Joe’s approach to every student is different. From strength, coordination, flexibility, age, injuries, and playing frequency, he tailors lesson for the individual. Coaching players into a “perfect swing” is not the goal. Joe works with the negotiables that include grip, stance, backswing to only address what affects the non-negotiable: Impact!
Along with utilizing select visual and training aids, Joe also incorporates the following technology in your lesson:


• Author of the golf instruction book, “The Negotiable Golf Swing; How to Improve your Game without Picture-Perfect Form”
• Metropolitan PGA Teacher of the Year
• 17-year host of New York News TV instructional segment, “Golf Long Island”
• 25-year Class A Member of the PGA of America
• PGA American Development Model (ADM) Certified
• Delivered golf theory presentations to PGA students at several major universities, including N.C. State, Ferris State, and Penn State University.
Joe is currently accepting students at the Topgolf, Alpharetta location.
All lessons are conducted on the ground floor, in a private coaching area.
